Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Just some pictures and some more of my favorite quotes...

"Keep your eyes open, hold tight to your convictions, give it all you've got, and love without stopping."
-1 Corinthians 16:13-14
"It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live."
-J.K. Rowling

Saturday, July 19, 2008

A Game of Catch-up.

Allow me to catch you up on the last couple of weeks…

Not much has been going on up here in Lower Alabama, other than a smattering of babysitting jobs keeping me busy.  Between year-long days of coloring with my love, Elz and going “side” to play with Hannah and Ella, my days have been filled with R&R and fat pay checks.

But the last two weeks could not be accounted for without mentioning my wonderful visit last weekend from two of the BFFs.  Katie and Rachel made the trip last Friday to spend the weekend eating messy ice cream cones, finding our soul mates, waiting for the rain to pass so we could throw ourselves off the jet ski some more and playing a mountain of board games.  I was sad to see them go, but it won’t be too long now until we are reunited once more.

Last week was filled with making plans for Rachel and my new apartment!  After much deliberation, we finally got it all worked out…Let’s get real, Cuz and I are gonna have some fun!

Finally, the Bunning casa got some more visitors this weekend as my grandparents and cousins trekked in from Georgia.  The only downside to this is I have to look at UGA t-shirts walking around the house…We spent today jet skiing, tubing and wakeboarding.  Yes, that’s right, I FINALLY did it!!  Now I can’t wait to get back out on the water.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Love is in the Air

Yesterday was my cousin Ryan's wedding.  Here are some pictures...

My dad and his older brother, Jim.

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Sparks sharing their first dance.

Red, White, and Bluegrass

When we arrived in Lexington on Thursday, it didn’t take long for me to fall in love all over again (of course the elegant charm of my aunt and uncle’s home probably had something to do with it). After a little bit of catching up, the five of us settled down for a delicious dinner or filets, corn on the cob, and an assortment of the freshest vegetables. Then it was off to the largest liquor store I’ve ever seen where the Beer Snob found some Berliner Kindl Weiss. Believe me, he was beside himself with excitement, and fell in love with his first sip. One other thing I discovered about Kentucky that really made me reminisce to my younger years, was the presence of those little bugs that sporadically light up to the excitement of all the little children who spy them: fireflies.

The 4th of July came in all too soon for my liking. It definitely seems as though the summer is flying by. To celebrate our country’s birthday, we headed off to the horse farms and the races at Churchill Downs. Talk about some good photo subjects! My parents and I really enjoyed seeing the mare that started such a legacy, Timeless Girl. Then it was off to Louisville to see the beautiful Tip Top H.A.T. We all got a little more experience in wagering at the races, and I learned quite a lot about the horse industry itself (great practice for Saratoga in a month). Nothing satisfies your stomach after a long day on the 4th like some BBQ. And it’s even more fun when you go with a gaggle of Bunnings, that is if you can still hear when it’s over. We are, to say the least, a loud crew, as many of you probably already know.

Now it is off to northern Kentucky to get ready for my cousin’s wedding. I’m sure there will be many more family pictures to share come tomorrow…