Wednesday, May 7, 2008

It's worth a try...

So, I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing here, but I needed something to do this summer to distract me from the fact that I can't Facebook stalk my wonderful friends.  Since I am a Pi Chi (Panhellenic Counselor) for sorority recruitment in the fall, I had to disaffiliate from my chapter and leave the wonderful and addicting world of Facebook.  Unfortunately for those of you who are like me and the second you find out someone is greek you much know their affiliation, you are going to have to wait until August.  

A few things about me you may need to know if you are planning on stalking this blog are:

I am a photojournalism major at the University of Florida

I am slightly obsessive; once I get on a kick it tends to stick for a while (right now I am re-watching all the seasons of Grey's Anatomy)

I am currently suffering from sunburn, which has got to be the only negative aspect of living in Florida...well unless you count hurricanes.

This summer my place of employment will be the homes of some of the cutest 2-4 year-olds ever, as I will be spending my time baby-sitting.

And finally, I am a southern girl who is dying to break out into the world and photograph all there is to see (especially Paris)! Too bad I don't have the magical power of being able to fly...then it wouldn't cost so darn much.

So maybe, if all goes as planned, I can document my travels right here and keep you all up-to-date.


Bunz said...
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Bunz said...

Nice. So why would you want to fly? That would take too long. I'd rather teleport. Much quicker.

erin said...

Thanks for the link!!!! Hope you are well. You should come to TX and hang out for a while.

Summer said...

Big you and I are so alike it's scary. In my spare time this summer (what little there is), I've been re-watching all of the seasons of Grey's as well. Love youuuu!!